Monday, December 3, 2012

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Lin Pei Wen says, tightly combines Long to get up afresh the legs and isolated huge strength the vision of the east the outside of the long skirt.
The huge strength east helplessly takes back vision and slightly has some to embarrassedly see toward Lin Pei Wen's face, so does to carelessly ask:"What small test?"
Lin Pei Wen's face changes countenance, calm self-composedly say:"At just that under the circumstance, you can according to instinct to skirt in see, explain that your sex mindset is normal, there is no problem!"
Though"is ……" early knows that Lin Pei Wen's face is very thick, huge strength the east still keeps hasing some uneasiness to this some kind of words.
Lin Pei Wen smiled to smile and suddenly asked:"Like?"
"Like what?"
"Where is your vision finally fallen?"Lin Pei Wen's problem doesn't lift east to the huge strength, but uses to ask myself to answer:"You were certainly seeing pants, you didn't need ashamed acknowledgement!"
"Think everywhere who thick-skinned?That comes right away!"Huge strength east the in the mind think and answer that Lin Pei Wen says:"BE say this,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online, right, do I have been aming seeing, and like very much!"
"Like?"Lin Pei Wen has never thoughted of huge strength east will speak so two words, the momentary pours some don't know should say what just like.
"Really like very much!"Is huge strength east and then fell the vision to the place of Lin Pei Wen's two leg rendezvouses, Be lookinging at and swallowing saliva.Though be covered by the blue long skirt, the huge strength east imitates a Buddha to pass that depend on sparse external outline, investigate and guess an inside of landscape.
Lin Pei Wen drive huge strength east this action make to frighten into inaction more, just calm and self-composed all be missing.Though know perfectly well a huge strength east what can not see, she still involuntarily clips tight legs, and cross hands to put at the top of the lower abdomen.
Lead a short while, Lin Pei Wen just return to absolute being, launched to the huge strength east lately an of aggression:"Really like?"
"Yes!"Is huge strength east the point nod, the vision still keeps staying around a top, lives the facial expression of taking off a spoony and lets Lin Pei Wen produces the mind of martial Dou."Only we didn't thought of,, your pants style is unexpectedly thus conservative!"
"If early know that you will peep, I change one a little bit sexy of!"Lin Pei Wen says, the facial expression was a bit tiny to flush.
"Do you have a loincloth?"
Lin Pei Wen Leng for a while, just order:"Have!"
"What color?"
Lin Pei Wen thinks this topic to really should stop here and right away answers that the huge strength east says:"Your tube is not!"
"I don't want to take care of as well, this is quite good!"The huge strength east raises head and smile happily of ask:"Can send to me?"
The huge strength east not too will perform sex maniac and want to do the appearance that the outstanding fan is fond of hard, but physically appear of facial expression but perfectly explained what is "owing to beat".
Lin Pei Wen conjectures a huge strength east, silently knead fist tight:"Do you want?"
"Yes!"The huge strength east says and had intention to swallow an one mouthful saliva.
Lin Pei Wen originally wanted to tell a huge strength east:"Wait you to die, I burn to you before grave!"But the words arrive a mouth side but become:"Take ten kilograms'the fourth' change!"
"Does a pants change ten kilogram heroins?"Huge strength the facial expression of the east was to owe to beat, but wanted to beat a person:"You this pants be also getting tooer costly, British queens all have no so worth money!"
"British queen was all several 10-year-old old women, even if the somebody else would like to be free to send to you, can you would like to want?"
"Even if is thousand years, the freak is after all British queen, not only England, include all English federals nations to all want to take an oath to be loyal to toward her.A person like this, any one all of things on her body are very worth money."
"So I change your pants with her pants, do you agree?"
"Can you have?"
"Have no!"
"So wait a somebody else really and would like to be free to send to you, we discuss this problem again!"
The huge strength east pretends to in a serious manner ask:"Do I use my own pants to change?"
"You ……" Lin Pei Wen Leng for a while, then the urgently red white face asks:"Do I want your pants to do what?"
Huge strength east Song shrug Bang:"I which know!"
"So I just don't !", Lin Pei Wen adds to say:"Want and then use ten kilograms'the fourth' change, have no other choice!"
"Not ability does the cheapness order?"
"This was already friend's price!"
The huge strength east keeps starting, the facial expression resumed the appearance in the past days:"I see you is a little bit wear evil, how always remember in head white powder?"
"We are underworld ahs, underworld still what is the ability some?Certainly was Huang Du Du to add again to collect a protection fee, otherwise still made us make the engineering of hoping?"
"You the star dragon help to do these four kind businesses all whole, the business of the drug is ordered influence now, isn't still have other of ……" huge strength east the words make reference to feel some penitence here, because these businesses after all are all illegal, and all is breaking social order to combine to hurt an others benefits.Always can not advise a star Long Bang quit poison, then devote major efforts to develop Huang and wager, by so doing is huge strength east at endanger society.
"But any businesses all rather sell powder to earn many!"Hear this sentence of the east of huge strength, Lin Pei Wen pours is have interest to talk through:"Although the wager earns also enough manily,the target is too big so easily be grasped, risk in fact than sell powder to still have to be big;Now our main business duty supports are getting more yellow, this business although you now already semi-overt turn, the risk is opposite to have to be a little bit small,earns really too littlely;Leave of be collect a protection fee ……etc. ……"Lin Pei Wen deliberated a short moment and suddenly said:"In fact we are protected fee this business, make with you abroad of employ a soldier is a different song together song!"
"What is a different song together song?Is different in approach but equally good …….Calculate, doesn't matter, you say so all right!", The huge strength east says:"Really there is the place of likeness, but there is also different place, for example say the persons that employ us are all voluntary, while your taking a protection fee has already forced a property!"
"But we really provided to protect!"Lin Pei Wen sparks a smoke and towarded a ceiling to vomit a smoke turn after absorbing an one mouthful, suddenly again asked a way to the huge strength east:"You have never thought will that what public security does the business of the company expand to the domestic?"
"Expand to the domestic?Did you forget state of the nation difference?"The huge strength east smiled to smile and made fun of say:" Let I of the soldier take weapon inbound, perhaps have never waited to find out employer, be first regarded as reaction by the government to organize to exterminate!"
"Can you re- make sure that the public security company is in the local business scope according to our state of the nations,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday!"
"Give me one soldier of the under charge to deliver a rubber stick, let them arrive each big business enterprise and government section to left for to stand guard?"The huge strength east sighed an one breath and continued to say:"They accept for a few months of harsh train not for watching front door for somebody else!I give them hair so many salaries also not for employing one door-keeper of helping!"
"You can lower salary, and also have no a necessity to carry on so harsh training."
"So don't we have already become common public security company?"The huge strength east smiled to smile and slightly felt some despises to Lin Pei Wen's proposal:"I can there is no interest investing company like this, can not earn money and don't run a time, my underneath business enterprise literally which houses all than this strong."
Lin Pei Wen chokes to put out cigarette butt and uncannily looking at huge strength east to smile:"I isn't to make you open common public security company again, have a little a creativity good?"
"What kind of creativity?"
"For example cooperate with me!"
Contact Lin Pei Wen's all these words together, huge strength east suddenly of is understand:"You can't be lending the hull son of public security company to collect a protection fee?"
Though Lin Pei Wen is calm to admit, but huge strength the east still doesn't understand of place:"Does this have with your current protection fee business what differentiation?"
"Distinct big."Lin Pei Wen looking at a huge strength east, explained in detail:"I have to honest acknowledgement, current of this kind of protection the fee is illegal, in the very great degree is pass threat and violence, the relation of both parties' also builds up in the Wei Related articles:

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